Sicily incentives dmc: Catania Timelapse

The beauty of Catania summarized in a timelapse of 4 minutes and 5 seconds: history, art and culture, the frenetic coming and going of people in the historic fish market. The buzz is typically Sicilian, you can breathe the smell of the sea and the sky is clear like what only Sicily can offer through a good Sicily incentives dmc (sicily-incentives-dmc) The Catania Timelapse 4K video was made by the Sicilian photographer Leandro Grasso who wanted to enhance and make known the beauties that the city of Catania has to offer from an architectural and landscape point of view. The project consists of 12,965 photos 347 GB and completed in 6 months “The video is certainly aimed at tourists, but above all at Catania citizens, who often take what they have for granted”, reads the comment of the video published on the photographer’s YouTube channel. Click gallery to open article on Catania  Other interesting articles on Sicily events and attractions near Catania Sicily dmc incentives: almond blossom festival in the valley of the Greek temples in Agrigento PASQUA IN SICILIA: le celebrazioni più belle da non perdere! Catania and the feast of Sant’ Agata   DESTINATION TAORMINA Sicily DMC incentives: […]

Sicily Incentives

Foto di Alexandra Tran su Unsplash DESTINATION SIZILIEN For your Sicily incentives Sizilien ist die größte Insel Italiens. Sie ist durch die Straße von Messina vom Festland getrennt und wird vom Ionischen, vom Tyrrhenischen und dem Mittelmeer umspült. Eine der Perlen Süditaliens, die es zu entdecken und zu erleben gilt, durch das vielfältige Angebot an Reiserouten, auf denen man ganz nach Lust und Laune die Natur, Geschichte und Tradition der Insel kennen lernen kann. Sizilien ist mit allen Vorzügen der Natur gesegnet: es gibt Berge, Hügel und vor allem das Meer, das mit seinen unglaublichen Farben, seinen klaren Fluten und seinem herrlichen Meeresgrund, Sizilien zu einer der schönsten Inseln der Erde macht. Das Mittelmeer bietet in dieser Region einzigartige Landschaften, Dufte und kulinarische Erfahrungen, die nur eine unberührte Natur schenken kann. Allein die kleinen vorgelagerten Liparischen, Ägadischen und Pelagischen Inseln sowie Pantelleria und Ustica, die von der Schönheit ihrer Landschaft und deren besonderen Natur, Tradition, Kunst und Geschichte gekennzeichnet sind. Und vergessen wir nicht die eindrucksvollen Vulkane, die zum Teil noch Aktiv sind, wie z.B. der Etna und der Stromboli. Der Zauber wird außerdem durch zahlreiche archäologische Funde bereichert, die vom antiken Ursprung Trinakrias (so der alte Name Siziliens) zeugen […]

San Vito Lo Capo, top Sicily beach

Foto di Paul Sebastian Saliba su Unsplash Destination Sicily DMC – San Vito Lo Capo: set on a long beach that recalls the distant Caribbean with its colors, San Vito Lo Capo, thanks to its mild climate, even in winter, is one of the most popular destinations in western Sicily. Its position, between Palermo and Trapani, allows it to be easily reached from the two airports in western area. A typical fisher’s village, with low houses dotted with jasmine and bougainvillea, a Mediterranean atmosphere that immediately promises a lot of relaxation … The naturalistic beauties and the magic of places touched by myth are just some of the reasons that make a holiday in this corner of paradise essential. We are a few kilometers from the suggestive natural pearl of the Zingaro Reserve, from the splendid Monte Cofano, from the legendary Erice and from the Doric temple of Segesta … but much more awaits you! The heart of the town is Piazza Santuario which overlooks the sanctuary-fortress dedicated to San Vito martire, patron of the town. From here, via Savoia, it quickly reaches the sea, an irresistible attraction for everyone. Via Savoia, very popular especially in the evening, is a […]

Sicily DMC Incentives / Ragusa

Foto di Andreas ***** su Unsplash Sicily DMC Incentives / Ragusa  This is a province primarily designed by man. Farmers in particular have contributed to Ragusa’s character, appearance and cuisine, for years shaping the countryside through seed-sowing and cultivation of the harvest that abounds on the people’s tables. The same fruits of the soil render unique the fragrances of Ragusan foods and wines. Sicily DMC Incentives / Ragusa is a puzzle of shaped tiles perfectly-placed along the long dry walls constructed by the local people. The walls’ hues of brown contrast with newly tilled fields and brilliantly-green, sprouting crops. Its landscape traces the Iblei highlands and valleys, the unrivaled masters of the Ragusa inlands that are characterized by profound canyons, eroded over time by flowing rivers and streams. The landscape becomes gentler as it slopes down towards the splendid coast, with Scoglitti and Pozzalo marking out its confines. It is an alternating balance of cliffs and endless beaches of finest sand. The colors one can witness here are truly beyond words, painted by sunrays at play over the blue seas and golden beaches. Picturesque villages and charming localities welcome us to a seaside holiday, within the delightful ambience of open-air […]


Foto di Michael Martinelli su Unsplash SICILY DMC – PANTELLERIA: a holiday far from the madding crowd on one of Sicily’s minor islands   SICILY DMC – PANTELLERIA A wild and peaceful land at the heart of the Mediterranean, offering African-hued sunsets and unforgettable starlit nights: welcome to Pantelleria, a beautiful and intriguing place, born around 300,000 years ago, whose volcanic origins are reflected still today in its colours and its secrets. Pantelleria is part of Sicily, but the island actually lies much closer to Africa than Italy. It is precisely this privileged position (Homer called it “the navel of the Mediterranean”) which gives the island its look and its culture rich in contrasts, a place of Arabic forms and typical scents of Southern Italy. The island stands out, amongst other things, for its rugged coastline and the green countryside overhanging the sea. This isn’t a place of sandy beaches, but rather one of small coves with crystal clear waters, spectacular and mysterious caves and a descent to the sea over smooth rocks. Pantelleria’s volcanic origins are also to thank for its authentic open air spa facilities: from the hot springs of Gadir and the Benikulà Cave natural sauna to the mud of […]
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