DMC SICILE pour l’organisation de voyages récompense en Sicile

DESTINATION SICILY – DMC SICILE Voyages de récompense en Sicile = DMC SICILE Un voyage incentive en Sicile signifie des possibilités infinies pour combiner art, histoire, traditions, excellente cuisine méditerranéenne, splendides scénarios naturels et activités passionnantes sur l’Etna, dans les splendides canyons de l’Alcantara et bien sûr sur la mer bleu cobalt qui entoure l’île . DMC SICILE Destination Sicile est un DMC basé en Sicile, proposant tous les arrangements au sol sur l’île spécifiquement pour les groupes incentive : la Sicile est la destination idéale pour vos voyages INCENTIVE !Some programme suggestions: Destination Sicile est une entreprise spécialisée dans l’organisation d’événements d’entreprise et de circuits spéciaux en Sicile, en Italie. Nous fournissons des services tels que des incentive, des conférences, des réunions d’affaires, la production d’événements, etc. à des clients internationaux. DMC SICILE Nous travaillons en collaboration avec nos clients et fournisseurs pour assurer une exécution sans faille de chaque projet, apportant des idées nouvelles et des solutions innovantes pour améliorer l’expérience sicilienne. Notre équipe de professionnels fournit des services personnalisés qui dépassent les attentes, faisant de nous un DMC de Sicile fiable et professionnel. Les clients peuvent contacter Destination Sicile pour en savoir plus sur nos services et sur la […]

Expériences de conduite autonome en Sicile

Expériences de conduite autonome dans toute la Sicile Les expériences de conduite autonome en Sicile sont un moyen inoubliable d’explorer les paysages époustouflants de l’île, son riche patrimoine et sa culture vibrante. Avec Destination Sicily DMC, vous pouvez vivre la liberté et la flexibilité de conduire selon vos propres termes, tout en bénéficiant de recommandations d’experts et d’itinéraires personnalisés. Découvrez des joyaux cachés et des destinations hors des sentiers battus, savourez la cuisine alléchante de l’île et plongez-vous dans son histoire et sa culture fascinantes. Dans cet article, nous explorerons pourquoi Destination Sicily DMC offre les meilleures expériences de conduite autonome dans toute la Sicile et partagerons des conseils pour un voyage sur la route sûr et réussi.   En tant que destination ultime pour les activités de conduite autonome, Destination Sicily vous emmène dans un voyage de toute une vie, explorant la magnifique île italienne à votre propre rythme. Découvrez les meilleures expériences de conduite autonome en Sicile. La Sicile est une terre d’aventure sans fin, avec des paysages à couper le souffle, des ruines antiques et une cuisine alléchante. Que vous soyez un passionné de hors-piste à la recherche d’une balade palpitante en quad ou en buggy, un amateur […]

Destination Sicily DMC provides the best Self-drive experiences all over Sicily

Destination Sicily DMC provides the best Self-drive experiences all over Sicily Self-drive experiences in Sicily are an unforgettable way to explore the island’s stunning landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. With Destination Sicily DMC, you can experience the freedom and flexibility of driving on your own terms, while also benefiting from expert recommendations and customized itineraries. Discover hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path destinations, savor the island’s mouth-watering cuisine, and immerse yourself in its fascinating history and culture. In this article, we’ll explore why Destination Sicily DMC provides the best self-drive experiences all over Sicily and share top tips for a safe and successful road trip. Discover the Best Self-Drive Experiences in Sicily Sicily is a land of endless adventure, with breathtaking landscapes, ancient ruins, and mouth-watering cuisine. Whether you’re an off-road enthusiast looking for a thrilling ride on a quad or buggy, a two-wheel-drive aficionado seeking a Vespa experience, a vintage Fiat 500 lover looking for a dolce vita tour, an e-bike enthusiast eager to explore nature, or an MTB adventurer ready to conquer the slopes of our active volcanoes, Destination Sicily has something for everyone. With a variety of self-drive options available, you can explore this charming island at your own […]

Sicily DMC Incentives: An Italian destination whose charms you can’t refuse – Sicily

Sicily DMC Incentives:   Yes, we love the soundtrack from ‘The Godfather, ‘ admits Carol Sottili. : If sunshine is more important than warmth, go in April. Or choose October if you’ll put up with a few showers in exchange for warmer temperatures. Summer is great for beach lovers, but it’s crowded/  Sicily DMC Incentives   Sorgente: Sicily: An Italian destination whose charms you can’t refuse – NZ Herald Sicily DMC Incentives /CEFALÙ One of the Mediterranean’s undiscovered jewels. The epitome of picturesque grandeur. Good descriptions of this captivating seaside town beneath a steep mountain. Cefalu has a beach, winding, narrow, medieval streets, and delightful restaurants overlooking a rocky coast. All under the everpresent gaze of the Norman-Arab-Byzantine cathedral, one of the greatest churches of southern Europe. Nestled between the Madonie Mountains and the sea, Cefalù’s mountain boasts the ruins of a large fortress and an ancient Sicanian-Greek temple. The view from the summit is inspiring. Several medieval buildings still stand in the city itself. These include the lavatoio (lavandai), a medieval wash house fed by freshwater springs, and the Osteria Magna (Great Guesthouse), where King Roger stayed during his visits to Cefalù. A maze of charming medieval streets make Cefalù a […]

Easter in Sicily -Sicily DMC Incentives:

Easter in Sicily Sicily DMC Incentives: Easter in Sicily /Sicily is famous for its spectacular celebrations surrounding Pasqua (Easter) as Sicilians head to church and take to the streets in parades to honour the most important week in the Christian calendar. Festivities continue throughout Holy Week, culminating on Easter Sunday, when families enjoy a lunch based on roast lamb and specially-prepared cakes.  Sicily DMC Incentives: Easter in Sicily Pasquetta (Easter Monday) is traditionally the first chance for a spring outing in the year, when Sicilians head for parks, beaches and nature reserves to have a picnic. All over the island, in large towns and tiny villages alike, processions weave their way through narrow streets, central thoroughfares and piazzas until finally they arrive at the local parish church or Cathedral.   Sicily DMC Incentives: Easter in Sicily /Easter also signals the arrival of Spring, and many pagan traditions that used to mark the arrival of the “beautiful season” have been incorporated into the religious festivities.     Agrigento, Concordia Temple For food lovers, Easter is a great time to come to Sicily: enticing seasonal delicacies and gastronomic delights celebrate the bounty of Primavera. It is the time for Martorana, or Pasta Reale, […]

Sicily DMC Incentives: Sicily skiing on an active volcano: ETNA!

Sicily DMC Incentives: Sicily skiing  /There are a lot of ways to enjoy Mt. Etna, but one of the most surprising is skiing on it. While Europe’s largest active volcano is commonly known for its role in Greek mythology and unpredictable eruptions, few realize it has ski resorts, too. Sicily DMC Incentives: Sicily skiing   /Sure, Mount Etna’s slopes may not be as expansive and exciting as those in northern Italy. But skiing on a volcano, with a view of the sea, makes this the most unique experience of skiing in Italy. Sicily DMC Incentives: Sicily skiing  /There are two distinct ski areas on Mount Etna. The southern one ends in Nicolosi, known here as Mount Etna Nicolosi. It covers more ground and is slightly higher with more vertical pistes than the northern resort. There are 4 lifts to service 14 groomed trails. Sicily DMC Incentives: Sicily skiing   /The northern resort is Piano Provenzana above the village of Linguaglossa. The terrain is suitable for all levels and offers both alpine and downhill slopes. The trails tend to be very smooth, thanks to the volcano’s settled lava! Better yet, crowds tend to be small, and at about 25 euro per day, ski […]

Sicily dmc incentives: almond blossom festival in the valley of the Greek temples in Agrigento

Sicily dmc incentives: Almond Blossom Festival (Sagra del mandorlo in fiore) has been taking place in Agrigento for already 72 years. It’s an international folk festival aiming to spread the message of peace, integration and cooperation between people. Every year in February, Agrigento celebrates the first almond blossoms of the season in its Sagra del Mandorlo in Fiore. The highlight of the festival, which continues until the beginning of March, is on the closing Sunday. A parade, accompanied by songs and dances, winds through the streets of Agrigento, celebrating peace, joy and fraternity. Sicily dmc incentives: The almond blossoms are celebrated as harbingers of spring; once the delicate pinkish-white blossoms appear, spring can’t be too far behind—at least in Sicily. Planting spring crops begins in earnest, and here in the south we can start to taste the promise of fava beans for the Festa di San Giuseppe (St. Joseph), Italian Father’s Day, on 19 March. Agrigento, founded by Greek colonists in 6 B.C., is one of Italy’s most under-appreciated spots with its Valle dei Tempii, home to five ancient temples: Concordia, Juno, Jupiter, Hercules, Castor and Pollux. They are official World Heritage landmarks, glow gorgeously golden at sunset, and provide […]

Sicily Incentives

Foto di Alexandra Tran su Unsplash DESTINATION SIZILIEN For your Sicily incentives Sizilien ist die größte Insel Italiens. Sie ist durch die Straße von Messina vom Festland getrennt und wird vom Ionischen, vom Tyrrhenischen und dem Mittelmeer umspült. Eine der Perlen Süditaliens, die es zu entdecken und zu erleben gilt, durch das vielfältige Angebot an Reiserouten, auf denen man ganz nach Lust und Laune die Natur, Geschichte und Tradition der Insel kennen lernen kann. Sizilien ist mit allen Vorzügen der Natur gesegnet: es gibt Berge, Hügel und vor allem das Meer, das mit seinen unglaublichen Farben, seinen klaren Fluten und seinem herrlichen Meeresgrund, Sizilien zu einer der schönsten Inseln der Erde macht. Das Mittelmeer bietet in dieser Region einzigartige Landschaften, Dufte und kulinarische Erfahrungen, die nur eine unberührte Natur schenken kann. Allein die kleinen vorgelagerten Liparischen, Ägadischen und Pelagischen Inseln sowie Pantelleria und Ustica, die von der Schönheit ihrer Landschaft und deren besonderen Natur, Tradition, Kunst und Geschichte gekennzeichnet sind. Und vergessen wir nicht die eindrucksvollen Vulkane, die zum Teil noch Aktiv sind, wie z.B. der Etna und der Stromboli. Der Zauber wird außerdem durch zahlreiche archäologische Funde bereichert, die vom antiken Ursprung Trinakrias (so der alte Name Siziliens) zeugen […]

Sicily Incentives – Sicily DMC: RAGUSA

Foto di Valerio Giannattasio su Unsplash Sicily Incentives – Sicily DMC: Ragusa.  C’est une province principalement conçue par l’homme. Les fermiers en particulier ont contribué au caractère, à l’apparence et à la cuisine de Ragusa, pendant des années à façonner la campagne à travers les semis et la culture de la récolte qui abonde sur les tables des gens. Les mêmes fruits du sol rendent uniques les parfums des aliments et des vins ragusains. Ragusa est un puzzle de carreaux en forme parfaitement placés le long des longs murs secs construits par les populations locales. Les teintes des murs contrastent avec les champs fraîchement cultivés et les cultures brillantes et vertes. Son paysage trace les hautes terres et les vallées des Iblei , les maîtres incomparables des terres intérieures de Raguse qui sont caractérisées par de profonds canyons, érodés au fil du temps par les rivières et les cours d’eau. Le paysage devient plus doux en descendant vers la splendide côte, Scoglitti et Pozzalo délimitant ses limites. C’est un équilibre alterné de falaises et de plages infinies de sable fin. Les couleurs que l’on peut voir ici sont vraiment au-delà des mots, peintes par les rayons du soleil au jeu […]

Sicily DMC Incentives: parks in Sicily

Sicily DMC Incentives: The great Sicilian parks   Sicily DMC Incentives: Regional parks are now an efficient reality both for the protection of delicate ecosystems and for the tourist, sports and educational enhancement of mountain areas. The Sicilians parks are four in order of establishment: the Park of Etna (Catania), the Madonie (Palermo), the Nebrodi (Catania, Enna and Messina) and, last born, the Fluvial Park of Alcantara (Messina and Catania). The latter is certainly a natural system of almost primitive beauty, where the landscape is shaped by the encounter between water and fire, with the river that digs and meets the hot lava, creating great stone architectures: gorges, polished walls, water jumps, smooth and square stone blocks. If Alcantara is characterized by river vegetation (with the eastern platano and the white willow, endemic species along the shores, a few meters from the water, mix with citrus and fichidindia), the Etna Park, with its orography marked by lava eruptions, is a true botanical garden. The large active volcano – with its 3,300 meters is the highest in Europe – features the northern slope covered by a thick snow cover for most of winter, and large birch or beech forests paint an […]
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