Zingaro Sicily Incentive

Riserva dello Zingaro: A Marine Sanctuary of Pristine Waters and Abundant Fish Life Zingaro Sicily Icentive Riserva dello Zingaro is a natural reserve located on the western coast of Sicily, Italy. Known for its breathtaking landscapes, diverse flora and fauna, and crystal-clear waters, this protected area is a haven for nature lovers and marine enthusiasts. A Marine Paradise: Clean Seawater and Abundant Fish Life click pic to watch video Lo Zingaro One of the most captivating features of Riserva dello Zingaro is its pristine marine environment. The reserve boasts numerous bays and coves with crystal-clear waters, providing a perfect habitat for a wide variety of marine life. The absence of pollution and human disturbance has allowed the underwater ecosystem to thrive, resulting in a rich and diverse fish population. Some of the fish species commonly found in the waters of Riserva dello Zingaro include:   Groupers: These large, predatory fish can often be spotted lurking in the rocky crevices and coral reefs. Snappers: Known for their vibrant colors and distinctive shapes, snappers are a popular sight for divers and snorkelers. Barracudas: These sleek and powerful predators are often seen darting through the water in search of prey. Sea bream: These […]

Sicily DMC Incentives: An Italian destination whose charms you can’t refuse – Sicily

Sicily DMC Incentives:   Yes, we love the soundtrack from ‘The Godfather, ‘ admits Carol Sottili. : If sunshine is more important than warmth, go in April. Or choose October if you’ll put up with a few showers in exchange for warmer temperatures. Summer is great for beach lovers, but it’s crowded/  Sicily DMC Incentives   Sorgente: Sicily: An Italian destination whose charms you can’t refuse – NZ Herald Sicily DMC Incentives /CEFALÙ One of the Mediterranean’s undiscovered jewels. The epitome of picturesque grandeur. Good descriptions of this captivating seaside town beneath a steep mountain. Cefalu has a beach, winding, narrow, medieval streets, and delightful restaurants overlooking a rocky coast. All under the everpresent gaze of the Norman-Arab-Byzantine cathedral, one of the greatest churches of southern Europe. Nestled between the Madonie Mountains and the sea, Cefalù’s mountain boasts the ruins of a large fortress and an ancient Sicanian-Greek temple. The view from the summit is inspiring. Several medieval buildings still stand in the city itself. These include the lavatoio (lavandai), a medieval wash house fed by freshwater springs, and the Osteria Magna (Great Guesthouse), where King Roger stayed during his visits to Cefalù. A maze of charming medieval streets make Cefalù a […]


Foto di Giuseppe Famiani su Unsplash Destination Sicily DMC: Ihr DMC SIZILIEN Spezialist vor Ort für Incentives und Events Sie sind auf der Suche nach einer neuen Destination für Ihre Meetings, Incentives, Konferenzen, Produkteinführungen oder Seminare? Suchen Sie eine DMC Sizilien? Suchen Sie nicht weiter – Sizilien ist ein ideales Reiseziel für den EU-Markt, dank der günstigen täglichen Direktflüge im 3-Stunden-Takt, der 4/5-Sterne-Hotels, die nur 45 Minuten von den Flughäfen entfernt sind, der ausgezeichneten italienischen Küche, der Weintouren und der thematischen Veranstaltungen, die von den Sponsoren organisiert werden. Erleben Sie den Charme von Taormina, Palermo, Syrakus und mehr, stürzen Sie sich in endlose Aktivitäten oder genießen Sie einfach einen Moment purer Entspannung – Sizilien ist noch immer einer der wenigen Orte, an denen Nichtstun nicht als Zeitverschwendung, sondern als Lebensart angesehen wird: la dolce vita.   Das Erfolgsrezept für Ihren Event Direkte Nonstop-Flüge Angenehmes Klima Kunst, Kultur & Erbe Köstliche Küche und Weine Naturschönheiten Historische 5-Sterne-Hotels und Unterkünfte Ausgezeichnete Konferenzräume Herzliche Gastfreundschaft   Mediterranes Klima das ganze Jahr über genießen. Schöne Kunstbeispiele von griechisch bis barock, von römisch bis mittelalterlich aus fast allen Epochen. Genießen Sie eine abwechslungsreiche Küche mit gesunden und einfachen Zutaten aus der Region, die von Michelin-Köchen zubereitet […]

Destination Sizilien Incentives Sizilien

Suchen Sie eine neue Destination für Ihre Meetings, Incentives, Konferenzen, Produkteinführungen oder Seminare? D Destestination Sizilien Incentives Sizilien  Suchen Sie nicht weiter – Sizilien ist ein ideales Ziel für den EU-Markt dank der günstigen 3-stündigen täglichen Direktflüge und 4/5-Sterne-Hotels innerhalb von 45 Minuten von den Flughäfen, ausgezeichnete italienische Küche, Wein-Touren und Paten-Themenveranstaltungen. Erleben Sie den Charme von Taormina, Palermo, Syrakus und mehr, stürzen Sie sich in endlose Aktivitäten oder genießen Sie einfach einen Moment purer Entspannung – Sizilien ist immer noch einer der wenigen Orte, an denen das Nichtstun nicht als Zeitverschwendung, sondern als Lebensart gesehen wird und zwar: la Dolce Vita. Destination Sicily DMC ist der ideale Partner vor Ort.         Click image above to contact us by e-mail Das Rezept für eine erfolgreiche Veranstaltung Direkte Nonstop-Flüge Angenehmes Klima Kunst, Kultur & Erbe Köstliche Küche und Weine Schöne natürliche Eigenschaften Historische 5 Sterne Hotels und Unterkünfte Ausgezeichnete Tagungsräume Herzlicher gastfreundlicher Empfang Genießen Sie das ganze Jahr über mediterranes Wetter. Finden Sie schöne Beispiele von Kunst aus fast jedem Alter, von griechisch bis barock und von römisch bis mittelalterlich. Erleben Sie eine Vielfalt an verschiedenen Küchen aus lokalen, gesunden und einfachen Zutaten, die von Michelin-Köchen gemischt und von einigen der besten […]

Sicily’s best beaches!

Best beaches in Sicily. Sicily is a summer holiday jewel in the Mediterranean Sea and Sicily beaches are some of the most beautiful in all of Europe! If you are coming here and looking for some of the best beaches to relax on then check this list of the Best Beaches in Sicily. You will definitely choose one for your coming holidays! Sicily Incentives Best beaches in Sicily  /There is no one in Palermo who wouldn’t go to the beautiful beach of Mondello during the hot summer days. It can be sometimes overcrowded but is definitely on the list of the most beautiful places in Sicily.  The beach is located about 10 kilometers away from the city, nestled between Monte Pellegrino and Monte Gallo mountains. Sicily Incentives Best beaches in Sicily /Sant Vito Lo Capo’s turquoise waters and crescent-shaped sandy beach are a well-kept secret, sure to impress beach-lovers. Set against the imposing backdrop of Monte Monaco in Sicily’s north-west, this charming coastal town is also a big hit with climbers. Visit in September to experience the Cous Cous Festival. Who wouldn’t know the famous beach between Trapani and Palermo with the equally famous and iconic mountain? The beach is 3 km […]

Easter in Sicily -Sicily DMC Incentives:

Easter in Sicily Sicily DMC Incentives: Easter in Sicily /Sicily is famous for its spectacular celebrations surrounding Pasqua (Easter) as Sicilians head to church and take to the streets in parades to honour the most important week in the Christian calendar. Festivities continue throughout Holy Week, culminating on Easter Sunday, when families enjoy a lunch based on roast lamb and specially-prepared cakes.  Sicily DMC Incentives: Easter in Sicily Pasquetta (Easter Monday) is traditionally the first chance for a spring outing in the year, when Sicilians head for parks, beaches and nature reserves to have a picnic. All over the island, in large towns and tiny villages alike, processions weave their way through narrow streets, central thoroughfares and piazzas until finally they arrive at the local parish church or Cathedral.   Sicily DMC Incentives: Easter in Sicily /Easter also signals the arrival of Spring, and many pagan traditions that used to mark the arrival of the “beautiful season” have been incorporated into the religious festivities.     Agrigento, Concordia Temple For food lovers, Easter is a great time to come to Sicily: enticing seasonal delicacies and gastronomic delights celebrate the bounty of Primavera. It is the time for Martorana, or Pasta Reale, […]

Catania pedonalizza centro storico: stop a bus turistici e taxi /Sicily DMC Incentives

Foto di Samir Kharrat su Unsplash Non potranno più attraversare piazza Duomo i taxi e i bus turistici. In questa fase diventano pedonali anche i piccoli tratti di via Garibaldi da piazza Duomo fino a via Spadaro Grassi e via Vittorio Emanuele, da piazza Duomo a via Raddusa /Catania pedonale Sicily DMC incentives Dalle ore 16 di ogni sabato, le domeniche e nei giorni festivi, piazza Duomo verrà interdetta anche ai bus, come sperimentazione di interdizione totale e dunque anche ai mezzi di trasporto pubblico /Sicily DMC incentives Il provvedimento riguarda anche piazza Dante che nella parte centrale verrà interdetta alla circolazione viaria per valorizzare il sagrato della Chiesa di San Nicolò l’Arena e l’ingresso del monastero dei Benedettini, entrambi siti culturali di grande valore architettonico molto frequentati dai turisti. Il sindaco Salvo Pogliese punta a procedere con gradualità per valorizzare le parti più belle del barocco catanese, tenendo conto anzitutto della conformazione settecentesca del centro storico con pochissime strade larghe e ristretti spazi di deflusso. L’assessore Arcidiacono ha annunciato che il prossimo passo, tra qualche settimana, parallelamente alla chiusura di altre vie di piccole dimensioni, sarà l’effettiva pedonalizzazione del tratto di via Etnea dalla Collegiata fino a piazza Stesicoro, […]

Sicily DMC Incentives: Carnival

Sicily DMC: Carnival  in Sicily As in many other parts of the world, means happiness. Masks, confetti and streamers are everywhere together with a lot of music. Almost every town organizes something for carnival. But where is the best carnival in Sicily ? There are many towns which assert that they have the best or the oldest carnival in Sicily. However, three towns celebrate carnival wiht special events. They are Acireale, near Catania, also famous for its baroque architecture, Sciacca, near Agrigento, famous for its thermal baths and Termini Imerese, another town famous for thermal baths, near Palermo. The Carnival in Sicily has ancient origins. It is the feast of abundance and binge eating before Lent fasting. This is the week of the year when delicious gravies and rich dishes are served at our tables; macaroni, cavateddi (a type of pasta) with meat sauce and pork rind, the traditional fat Thursday soup, typical of Modica County, and a lot of sweets as the Turkish’s heads of Scicli, the pignolata of Messina and the delicious chiacchere, strips of sweet pastry dough fried and coated with powdered sugar.   ACIREALE: It is considered one of Sicily’s most beautiful carnivals: the Carnival of […]

Sicily DMC Incentives: Sicily skiing on an active volcano: ETNA!

Sicily DMC Incentives: Sicily skiing  /There are a lot of ways to enjoy Mt. Etna, but one of the most surprising is skiing on it. While Europe’s largest active volcano is commonly known for its role in Greek mythology and unpredictable eruptions, few realize it has ski resorts, too. Sicily DMC Incentives: Sicily skiing   /Sure, Mount Etna’s slopes may not be as expansive and exciting as those in northern Italy. But skiing on a volcano, with a view of the sea, makes this the most unique experience of skiing in Italy. Sicily DMC Incentives: Sicily skiing  /There are two distinct ski areas on Mount Etna. The southern one ends in Nicolosi, known here as Mount Etna Nicolosi. It covers more ground and is slightly higher with more vertical pistes than the northern resort. There are 4 lifts to service 14 groomed trails. Sicily DMC Incentives: Sicily skiing   /The northern resort is Piano Provenzana above the village of Linguaglossa. The terrain is suitable for all levels and offers both alpine and downhill slopes. The trails tend to be very smooth, thanks to the volcano’s settled lava! Better yet, crowds tend to be small, and at about 25 euro per day, ski […]

Sicily dmc incentives: almond blossom festival in the valley of the Greek temples in Agrigento

Sicily dmc incentives: Almond Blossom Festival (Sagra del mandorlo in fiore) has been taking place in Agrigento for already 72 years. It’s an international folk festival aiming to spread the message of peace, integration and cooperation between people. Every year in February, Agrigento celebrates the first almond blossoms of the season in its Sagra del Mandorlo in Fiore. The highlight of the festival, which continues until the beginning of March, is on the closing Sunday. A parade, accompanied by songs and dances, winds through the streets of Agrigento, celebrating peace, joy and fraternity. Sicily dmc incentives: The almond blossoms are celebrated as harbingers of spring; once the delicate pinkish-white blossoms appear, spring can’t be too far behind—at least in Sicily. Planting spring crops begins in earnest, and here in the south we can start to taste the promise of fava beans for the Festa di San Giuseppe (St. Joseph), Italian Father’s Day, on 19 March. Agrigento, founded by Greek colonists in 6 B.C., is one of Italy’s most under-appreciated spots with its Valle dei Tempii, home to five ancient temples: Concordia, Juno, Jupiter, Hercules, Castor and Pollux. They are official World Heritage landmarks, glow gorgeously golden at sunset, and provide […]
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