Expériences de conduite autonome en Sicile

Expériences de conduite autonome dans toute la Sicile Les expériences de conduite autonome en Sicile sont un moyen inoubliable d’explorer les paysages époustouflants de l’île, son riche patrimoine et sa culture vibrante. Avec Destination Sicily DMC, vous pouvez vivre la liberté et la flexibilité de conduire selon vos propres termes, tout en bénéficiant de recommandations d’experts et d’itinéraires personnalisés. Découvrez des joyaux cachés et des destinations hors des sentiers battus, savourez la cuisine alléchante de l’île et plongez-vous dans son histoire et sa culture fascinantes. Dans cet article, nous explorerons pourquoi Destination Sicily DMC offre les meilleures expériences de conduite autonome dans toute la Sicile et partagerons des conseils pour un voyage sur la route sûr et réussi.   En tant que destination ultime pour les activités de conduite autonome, Destination Sicily vous emmène dans un voyage de toute une vie, explorant la magnifique île italienne à votre propre rythme. Découvrez les meilleures expériences de conduite autonome en Sicile. La Sicile est une terre d’aventure sans fin, avec des paysages à couper le souffle, des ruines antiques et une cuisine alléchante. Que vous soyez un passionné de hors-piste à la recherche d’une balade palpitante en quad ou en buggy, un amateur […]

Destination Sicily DMC provides the best Self-drive experiences all over Sicily

Destination Sicily DMC provides the best Self-drive experiences all over Sicily Self-drive experiences in Sicily are an unforgettable way to explore the island’s stunning landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. With Destination Sicily DMC, you can experience the freedom and flexibility of driving on your own terms, while also benefiting from expert recommendations and customized itineraries. Discover hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path destinations, savor the island’s mouth-watering cuisine, and immerse yourself in its fascinating history and culture. In this article, we’ll explore why Destination Sicily DMC provides the best self-drive experiences all over Sicily and share top tips for a safe and successful road trip. Discover the Best Self-Drive Experiences in Sicily Sicily is a land of endless adventure, with breathtaking landscapes, ancient ruins, and mouth-watering cuisine. Whether you’re an off-road enthusiast looking for a thrilling ride on a quad or buggy, a two-wheel-drive aficionado seeking a Vespa experience, a vintage Fiat 500 lover looking for a dolce vita tour, an e-bike enthusiast eager to explore nature, or an MTB adventurer ready to conquer the slopes of our active volcanoes, Destination Sicily has something for everyone. With a variety of self-drive options available, you can explore this charming island at your own […]

Sicily DMC Incentives: An Italian destination whose charms you can’t refuse – Sicily

Sicily DMC Incentives:   Yes, we love the soundtrack from ‘The Godfather, ‘ admits Carol Sottili. : If sunshine is more important than warmth, go in April. Or choose October if you’ll put up with a few showers in exchange for warmer temperatures. Summer is great for beach lovers, but it’s crowded/  Sicily DMC Incentives   Sorgente: Sicily: An Italian destination whose charms you can’t refuse – NZ Herald Sicily DMC Incentives /CEFALÙ One of the Mediterranean’s undiscovered jewels. The epitome of picturesque grandeur. Good descriptions of this captivating seaside town beneath a steep mountain. Cefalu has a beach, winding, narrow, medieval streets, and delightful restaurants overlooking a rocky coast. All under the everpresent gaze of the Norman-Arab-Byzantine cathedral, one of the greatest churches of southern Europe. Nestled between the Madonie Mountains and the sea, Cefalù’s mountain boasts the ruins of a large fortress and an ancient Sicanian-Greek temple. The view from the summit is inspiring. Several medieval buildings still stand in the city itself. These include the lavatoio (lavandai), a medieval wash house fed by freshwater springs, and the Osteria Magna (Great Guesthouse), where King Roger stayed during his visits to Cefalù. A maze of charming medieval streets make Cefalù a […]


Destination Sicily DMC: Ihr DMC SIZILIEN Spezialist vor Ort für Incentives und Events DMC SIZILIEN Sie sind auf der Suche nach einer neuen Destination für Ihre Meetings, Incentives, Konferenzen, Produkteinführungen oder Seminare? Suchen Sie eine DMC Sizilien? Suchen Sie nicht weiter – Sizilien ist ein ideales Reiseziel für den EU-Markt, dank der günstigen täglichen Direktflüge im 3-Stunden-Takt, der 4/5-Sterne-Hotels, die nur 45 Minuten von den Flughäfen entfernt sind, der ausgezeichneten italienischen Küche, der Weintouren und der thematischen Veranstaltungen, die von den Sponsoren organisiert werden. Erleben Sie den Charme von Taormina, Palermo, Syrakus und mehr, stürzen Sie sich in endlose Aktivitäten oder genießen Sie einfach einen Moment purer Entspannung – Sizilien ist noch immer einer der wenigen Orte, an denen Nichtstun nicht als Zeitverschwendung, sondern als Lebensart angesehen wird: la dolce vita.   Das Erfolgsrezept für Ihren Event Direkte Nonstop-Flüge Angenehmes Klima Kunst, Kultur & Erbe Köstliche Küche und Weine Naturschönheiten Historische 5-Sterne-Hotels und Unterkünfte Ausgezeichnete Konferenzräume Herzliche Gastfreundschaft   Mediterranes Klima das ganze Jahr über genießen. Schöne Kunstbeispiele von griechisch bis barock, von römisch bis mittelalterlich aus fast allen Epochen. Genießen Sie eine abwechslungsreiche Küche mit gesunden und einfachen Zutaten aus der Region, die von Michelin-Köchen zubereitet werden. Dazu gibt es […]

Destination Sizilien Incentives Sizilien

Suchen Sie eine neue Destination für Ihre Meetings, Incentives, Konferenzen, Produkteinführungen oder Seminare? D Destestination Sizilien Incentives Sizilien  Suchen Sie nicht weiter – Sizilien ist ein ideales Ziel für den EU-Markt dank der günstigen 3-stündigen täglichen Direktflüge und 4/5-Sterne-Hotels innerhalb von 45 Minuten von den Flughäfen, ausgezeichnete italienische Küche, Wein-Touren und Paten-Themenveranstaltungen. Erleben Sie den Charme von Taormina, Palermo, Syrakus und mehr, stürzen Sie sich in endlose Aktivitäten oder genießen Sie einfach einen Moment purer Entspannung – Sizilien ist immer noch einer der wenigen Orte, an denen das Nichtstun nicht als Zeitverschwendung, sondern als Lebensart gesehen wird und zwar: la Dolce Vita. Destination Sicily DMC ist der ideale Partner vor Ort.         Click image above to contact us by e-mail Das Rezept für eine erfolgreiche Veranstaltung Direkte Nonstop-Flüge Angenehmes Klima Kunst, Kultur & Erbe Köstliche Küche und Weine Schöne natürliche Eigenschaften Historische 5 Sterne Hotels und Unterkünfte Ausgezeichnete Tagungsräume Herzlicher gastfreundlicher Empfang Genießen Sie das ganze Jahr über mediterranes Wetter. Finden Sie schöne Beispiele von Kunst aus fast jedem Alter, von griechisch bis barock und von römisch bis mittelalterlich. Erleben Sie eine Vielfalt an verschiedenen Küchen aus lokalen, gesunden und einfachen Zutaten, die von Michelin-Köchen gemischt und von einigen der besten […]

Sicily Incentives Catacombe dei Cappuccini Palermo

Sicily incentives catacombe dei cappuccini  The Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo (also Catacombe dei Cappuccini or Catacombs of the Capuchins) are burial catacombs. Today they provide a somewhat macabre tourist attraction as well as an extraordinary historical record. Palermo’s Capuchin monastery outgrew its original cemetery in the 16th century and monks began to excavate crypts below it. In 1599 they mummified one of their number, recently dead brother Silvestro of Gubbio, and placed him into the catacombs. Sicily incentives catacombe dei cappuccino  The bodies were dehydrated on the racks of ceramic pipes in the catacombs and sometimes later washed with vinegar. Some of the bodies were embalmed and others enclosed in sealed glass cabinets. Originally the catacombs were intended only for the dead friars. However, in the following centuries it became a status symbol to be entombed into the Capuchin catacombs. In their wills, local luminaries would ask to be preserved in certain clothes, or even to have their clothes changed at regular intervals. Priests wore their clerical vestments, others were clothed according to the contemporary fashion. Relatives would visit to pray for the deceased and also to maintain the body in presentable condition. A visit to the Capuchin catacombs is certainly […]

Destination Trapani

Sicily DMC Destination Trapani Sicily DMC Destination Trapani : The coast of the province of Trapani is beautiful thanks to the spectacular panorama of the Egadi Islands. In addition to the sea and the beach, there are many towns and places to visit that dot the area: Alcamo, Campobello Di Mazara, Castellammare del Golfo, Castelvetrano, Custonaci, Erice, Marsala, Mazara Del Vallo, Petrosino, San Vito lo Capo and Trapani. Lively towns made of sun, sea, but also of history and monuments First of all, San Vito lo Capo, a real pearl of the Mediterranean, with the most beautiful beaches in Italy. But in addition to history, the landscape also plays its part, and so the eye wanders from the characteristic windmills of Marsala to the large salt pans of Trapani and Paceco. In Trapani, the Colombaia Castle and the many buildings in the center are certainly worth seeing. Without a doubt the crystal clear sea and the golden sand of these areas are ideal for relaxation and the practice of water sports. In addition to relaxing on the beautiful beach of the entire coast, lovers of the underwater world can admire the underwater panorama of the sea of ​​Scopello and the […]

Etna, the emission of ash intensifies

sicily-incentives-etna-eruption sicily-incentives-etna-eruption The eruptive cloud reaches a height of about 4.5 kilometers above sea level in the east / north-east direction. Currently there is no reported ash fall in the inhabited centers of the area   sicily-incentives-etna-eruption The National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanologyn of Catania announces that starting from 11:30 the emission of ash from the new SE crater has gradually intensified.  ​_ This is producing an eruptive cloud that reaches a height of about 4, 5 kilometers above sea level in an east / north-east direction. Currently there is no reported ash fall in the inhabited centers of the Etna area. As regards the temporal trend of the average amplitude of the volcanic tremor, it continues to show marked fluctuations in amplitude which overall define a substantially stationary trend which is maintained mainly in the interval of the average values.   The location of the source of the tremor is located near the area of ​​the SE Crater / New Southeast Crater, at a depth of about 2900-3000 meters above the mean sea level. sicily-incentives-etna-eruption From the point of view of infrasonic activity, no significant changes were reported. The analysis of the data of the permanent GNSS and clinometric […]

Etna: latest activity on the top craters

Sicily Incentives Etna, still in the midst of its Strombolian activity, continues to show off. For several days, blasts of ash have poured over the whole Etna area. Just a few hours ago, the volcano made a big voice again, giving the spectators yet another – but still magnificent – natural spectacle.     Sicily Incentives ETNA Sicily’s greatest natural attraction is also its highest mountain. To the ancient Greeks, Mount Etna was the realm of Vulcan, god of fire, and the home of the one-eyed monster known as the Cyclops. At approximately 3350 meters, it is €pe’s highest active volcano. The height of its summit changes with each eruption, and over the centuries a few lava flows have reached the coast. Over 1200 square meters of Etna’s surface is covered with solidified lava. Etna offers skiing in the Winter months and breathtaking hikes in the woods during the Summer. There are also a number of smaller peaks on the slopes of Etna, and some interesting caverns. Since Etna is a strato volcano , with relatively cool lava temperatures and numerous openings (vents), nobody ever knows precisely where on its vast surface the next eruption will be. Sicily Incentives Etna’s […]